I created my shop on the basis of selling Inspirational, meaningful, unique and fun jewelry. My Expandable bangles have been the best medium to use. My Bangle Bracelets are affordable, made with quality material, and you can't have just one!
What is more inspirational and meaningful then Angels? They give us hope, faith, healing and protection. I have many Angel charm bangle Bracelets available (coming soon to the shop)! But my most inspiring, my spiritual talismans or amulets if you will, are the Archangels!
During the Great Battle in Heaven when Luciel (Bearer of Light) rebelled against God and became Lucifer (Prince of Darkness), God's Main fleet of Angels were lost to this rebellion. Many other Angels fell and rebelled during the Great Battle as well.
A group of 7 angels from the second lowest fleet were so outraged by the terrible offense to the dignity of the Almighty Lord that they positioned themselves between God and the offenders. These Angels were prepared to defend the honor and dignity of God, in spite of their inferiority to Lucifer and his legions. The heroic love and dedication to God moved him so much that he promoted them and gave them each many new gifts and graces. These seven now stand eternally before the Throne of God to Carry our his Divine Will forevermore. I present to you the 7 Archangels!
Saint Michael was the First archangel created. He is protection, truth, strength, courage, and strength. He protects all from evil. Saint Michael fights against Lucifer and other negative energies.
The Leader of the Armies of Heaven. A warrior that defends our souls and helps us through emotionally tough times by helping us realize our true purpose. St. Michael teaches us to be true and open with ourselves and our feelings. To focus on the positive and creating energy of love that surrounds this world and universe. There is no greater power than the power of love and affection. Negativity is darkness and defeat.
Look here to learn more about Saint Michael and see my listing for a gorgeous Archangel Michael Expandable Bangle...
The angel of heavenly mercy, humanity, death, vengeance and truth.
Archangel Gabriel has the Gift of Knowledge and knows the fates of everyones soul. He actually predicted the birth of Jesus and of John the Baptist.
You know when something feels "right?" This is him speaking to you. He speaks to your heart and not your mind. You will hear him through your emotions.
In our dreams he may give us a hopeful message but can also give us warnings. Good or bad be assured that these messages that will benefit us in the end.
He knows that nothing stops existing. It will always be present in some form somewhere. He therefore also assists people in channeling and clearing the path for them to wherever they are meant to be.
Archangel Raphael is the healing angel. Loving and caring he heals all creatures both physically and spiritually. He will assist you in healing your patience if you are a healer, a doctor, psychologist or someone that helps people. He also aids people suffering emotionally. He is there for you if you have lost someone, have family issues, addiction or whatever tragedies that may be in your life. Archangel Raphael is also known as “the Patron of Travelers” and ensures safe and protected travel.
Archangel Uriel is known as the Angel of Wisdom. He shines the light of God's truth into the darkness of confusion. People ask for Uriel's help to seek God's will before making decisions, solve problems and let go of destructive emotion such as anxiety and anger.
Listing soon to come.
Unfortunately at this time my Supplier in Italy does not make charms for the last 3 Archangels but they are just as important and need mentioned.
St. Jehudiel carries the flaming sword of salvation, a symbol of God’s mercy and the crown of the victory of grace which awaits the saints in the next life. It is also a reminder of the crown of sufferings to be endured in this life.
Patron of the Sacrament of Holy Orders
Archangel Sealtiel carries an incenser (that holds incense) with represents the prayers & offering of the Divine Sacifice of the Mass. The smoke from the incense rising is Archangel Sealtiel offering up prayers and offers to God from the people.
"And another angel came and stood before the altar, having a golden censer; and there was given him much incense, that he should offer of the prayers of all saints upon the golden altar, which is before the throne of God. And the smoke of the incense of the prayers of the saints ascended up before God from the hand of the angel." Apoc 8:3-4
Patron of the Sacrament of Matrimony.
Barachiel carries a huge basket of bread and the staff of life. This symbolizing the great responsibilities of parenthood to produce and provide for the children God desires of married couples. He is a powerful intermediate for the barren as well as for troubled marriages. He carries in his hand the Holy Bible as a reminder for husbands, wives and children concerning marriage and family life to look to God.
If you enjoyed this post, please keep checking back. I intend to feature some of my well know Saints soon! Saint Pio, Saint Agatha, Saint Christopher, Saint Joseph. They all have incredible patronages!
Thank you for visiting!
Jules Obsession, LLC